Thứ Tư, 22 tháng 4, 2009

Toffee apple cupcakes

Toffee apple cupcakes
I had recently seen cupcakes with shards of toffee on, which got me wondering if I could make nests out of toffee. It took me three attempts, but I got there in the end. I wanted the cupcakes' flavour to match the toffee nests so, being a big fan of toffee apples, I decided to make apple and maple syrup cupcakes with a chocolate butter cream top. Here's how I did it.

Maple apple cupcakes (makes 12 muffin size cakes)
150g (1 cup) gluten free self raising flour
60g unsalted butter
2 eggs
110g brown sugar
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
60ml maple syrup
200g grated apple
453g chocolate butter cream

  1. Preheat oven to 160-180 deg C.
  2. Line muffin tray with paper cases.
  3. Beat flour, butter, sugar, eggs, cinnamon and maple syrup in a bowl with an electric mixer until mixture is a pale colour.
  4. Stir in apple and divide the mixture between the paper cases.
  5. Place in preheated oven and bake for 25-30 minutes.
  6. Remove from oven and place cakes on wire rack to cool.
  7. When cakes are cool, pipe butter cream icing in a swirl on top. I used chocolate butter cream, but after tasting, my friends and I thought they would taste better with vanilla.

Toffee nests
Toffee nests
I made three batches of toffee because on my first attempt I left the toffee too long in the saucepan and it went black. The second batch worked well but I was not quick enough with it so it started to set in the pan. I tried re-heating it, which was a disaster as it turned white and powdery! So, on the third attempt I worked really quickly with the toffee before it started to set in the pan. I guess the saying is true - the third time really is a charm!

220g caster sugar
125ml water
1/4 teaspoon white vinegar

  1. Coat the back of the muffin tray in olive oil (it has to be olive oil).
  2. Combine sugar, water and vinegar in a heavy based saucepan.
  3. Sir over heat till sugar dissolves and bring the mixture to the boil.
  4. Boil uncovered without stirring until the liquid goes a golden colour. I used a sugar thermometer and took the mixture off the heat when the thermometer read 'crack'.
  5. Wait for bubbles to subside.
  6. Using a wooden spoon, drizzle the toffee onto the back of the muffin tray to create nests.
  7. Allow toffee to set at room temperature, and then carefully lift the nests from the muffin tray and place on top of cakes.
  8. Fill with mini chocolate eggs.

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