Thứ Tư, 5 tháng 8, 2009

Thanks sweeties!

Candy flowers
Banner idea for
Apple blossom
Spread the love Award
A few days ago I received the Spread the love Award from the sweet Bella at Beauty Does Matter and am honored that she chose me. I would like to pass it onto two blogs: the first is Knock Knocking who, among other things, makes the most beautiful wreaths to hang in your home. The second is a blog I recently found called Flower Patch farmgirl. She has the most beautiful taste and I especially love her garden pics.

Duchess of Tea Award
Her Grace The Duchess of Tea, has appointed me as an Honorary Noble of the Most Excellent Order of the Blog Empire! I just love the badge with the sparkly crown on the aqua background. Check her out at Rose Tea cottage!

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