Thứ Năm, 16 tháng 7, 2009

Tag I'm it and I'm sharing!

I have been given this lovely badge to honor - a badge of honor! Tag!

I have been tagged by my adorable friend Laurel of gorgeous blog HappySimpleLife

Here are the rules:

Copy the logo and place it on my blog
Link it back to the person who gave it to me
Pass it on to five fellow bloggers
List 10 things about myself

Here are my 10 facts:
  1. Fashion designer for over ten years
  2. Moved to New York when I was 21 and lived there for 2 1/2 years
  3. I have three gorgeous sisters
  4. I have been with the love of my life for 17 years
  5. I am obsessed with matching colours
  6. I was called squirt by my family growing up but I am 5'8. I come from a tall family!
  7. I am the only sister with blue eyes
  8. I couldn't live without my iPhone
  9. My favourite story about my Dad is the time he stood in the corner of the dining room turning a desk lamp installed with a blue light bulb on and off to create a disco for me and my friends on my 8th Birthday whilst the rest of the family was ill in bed with chicken pox!
  10. My teacher nicknamed me "glitter fairy"

Thank you Lauren for your beautiful comments that inspire me daily!

For my 5 lovely bloggers:
  1. Freudian slips vintage
  2. Rosina Lee
  3. Buebau
  4. Oh for the Love
  5. Pickalapoopa

Best wishes to you all!

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