Thứ Hai, 3 tháng 1, 2011

2010, My Summer Months

Afternoon sweets!

I thought I would share with you some of my highlights of 2010 here on Torie Jayne. Here are my favourites from the Summer of 2010:

Kitchen Ideas by Torie Jayne
May was spent researching ideas for my new kitchen, which I promise I will be sharing here soon!

Pinterest by Torie Jayne
I joined Pinterest in June. I adore it as it is such an easy way to share, store and categorize all the gorgeous images you find on the internet. I hope to share more of my pins with you in 2011 with my new "Inspirational Pins" mood boards.

Gardens by Torie Jayne
July was spent poring over gorgeous garden pictures in my Scrapbook dreams and visiting the Hampton Court Palace Flower Show.

Molly's Birthday by Torie Jayne
In August we celebrated my adorable niece Molly's birthday. I hand painted a jungle bench for her and made a matching jungle birthday cake.

Vintage at Goodwood by Torie Jayne
I also fell in love with Vintage at Goodwood and the best bit is it returns this year on August 12, 13, and 14th. My top must for 2011!

Thank you my friends for reading and commenting, this blog wouldn't be anything without you!

Have a sweet day!

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